You may have heard breastfeeding is a great option because it means you can leave the house without bottles and feed your baby anywhere any time. While that’s true, there are some breastfeeding essentials I recommend you have on hand as a nursing mother. Most can stay at home, though some (like the nipple balm) you’ll want with you at all times. As a mother of three breastfed babies, these are my top 10 must-haves…
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1. Quality Breast Pump
Many health insurance companies cover the cost of a breast pump at the birth of each child (or every 2 years). The exact type of coverage varies, so you’ll want to reach out to your provider and find out what your benefits are. There is usually a 1-800 number on the back of your insurance card you can call with any questions. You’ll want to ask what type of pump they will provide and where you can purchase it. I was able to get the Medela Pump In Style and it has worked really well for us. You can also visit YummyMummy, enter your insurance information and they will do the work for you and ship out your pump prior to your due date!
2. Nipple Balm
I loved Honest Company’s Nipple Balm during the first few months of my daughter’s life. It’s a nice consistency, unlike some of the other ones I tried. Not too thick, no overwhelming scent and it’s actually moisturizing for your hands too. There’s no need to wipe it off between feedings and it is incredibly soothing during what I call the “adjustment period” where your nipples are getting used to being used in a new way.
3. Hands-Free Pumping Bra
This is absolutely essential for pumping. When you are hooking up to your pump several times a day you’ll want your hands free to do other things like browse your Instagram feed, or type some emails. Pumping can take upwards of 20 minutes a session, and it gets really boring (and tiring!) holding the flanges up for that long. I like the Simple Wishes Hands-Free Breastpump Bra. It’s comfortable and I bought it in Pink because at least I can feel a little pretty while pumping?
4. Storage Bottles & Bags
There are a wide variety of these available, so buy whatever is compatible with your pump. The Medela Storage Solution is a great starter pack for a first-time mom
. It includes storage bottles and bags and a handy storage tray to keep things organized in your freezer. I’ve used these since I had my first child and now through feeding my second and I’ve never had a leak. A lot of moms like to store their milk laying down for space reasons , but I find these bags stand up nicely in the freezer so I choose to store that way. You’ll also want to grab a permanent marker to easily label the bags with the date before storing.
5. Quick-Clean Sterilizing Steamer Bags
With so many other things to deal with, sterilizing your pump parts and bottles in a pot of boiling water will be the last thing you feel like doing! Medela Quick Clean Steamer Bags are so easy and convenient. Wash your pump parts with soap and water, then throw them in the bag with a few ounces of water and microwave for 90 seconds. DONE. Sterilizing is so important for your babe, and these make it so much easier!
6. Quality Nursing Bras
You’ll want to feel supported and comfortable throughout your breastfeeding journey. I recommend investing in at least 3 quality nursing bras and likely replacing these breastfeeding essentials after a few months of wear. After a bit of wear the elastic can stretch out and they’ll become less supportive. I recommend a bra that has at least 3 hooks on the back for proper fit. It should also have a structured cup with some lining/padding since your nipples will likely be more prominent while you’re breastfeeding and you probably don’t want them showing through your shirt. This also helps with any leaks! Do yourself a favor and visit a store to get properly fitted because your size will not be the same as pre-pregnancy.
A less structured, comfy sleep nursing bra is also one of my breastfeeding essentials. You’ll want to feel supported even while you sleep and you’ll still need easy access for all those nighttime feedings. I would recommend investing in at least 2 so you’ll have an extra when one gets drenched in milk 😉
7. A Comfortable & Functional Nursing Wardrobe
Friends told me to buy some fashionable nursing clothes before I had my baby, and I responded with, “For what? Where am I going? I’ll just wear my pajamas!” Ha. Good plan, for the first couple of weeks or so, but when you’re planning to return to some sort of normalcy, you will want to be able to nurse any time any where. And if/when you return to work, you will need to be able to pump easily and quickly several times a day. Nursing tops will make it much easier to do so. Here are some of my favorites…
This maternity tank from Gap has just enough buttons to nurse easily. It unsnaps really quickly and is super comfortable too. I’ve worn this to bed pretty much every night for the past 5 years! But, you can wear it on a hot summer day and feel put together too. It’s definitely on my top list of breastfeeding essentials for a reason.
8. Nursing Pillow
A Nursing Pillow(aka “boppy pillow”) is super useful during the first few months of breastfeeding and beyond. It is great for positioning your baby especially if he/she is a marathon-feeder. Believe it or not holding up a 7 lb. infant can get extremely tiring after a while, especially when your nursing several times a day every day (and night!). And when they get a bit older baby can lounge or sit in/on it. If any of these breastfeeding essentials make it to your shower registry, this would be a good choice!
9. Reusable Nursing Pads
I prefer reusable nursing pads over disposables. Not only are they better for the environment since they create less waste, but they’re much softer and won’t stick to your boobs like the paper ones! You’ll find you’re doing several loads of laundry a day anyway, so it’s not a big deal to throw in a few nursing pads too. Plus, you’ll never run out like you might with disposables. These bamboo nursing pads are super soft, discrete, and reasonably priced.
10. Cold Compresses
When your milk comes in your breasts will likely become engorged, especially if this is your first baby. Cold compresses can really help ease that pain and heat you might be feeling. They’ll also come in handy if you come down with mastitis (ouch!) or when your baby becomes a toddler and starts bonking their head on things (also ouch!). Bonus? These can be used as hot compresses too
and are perfect for soothing sore muscles (I used them when my back was aching after baby #2!)
Not included in my breastfeeding essentials? “Milk-Boosting” Foods.
There are hundreds of special “milk-boosting” foods and supplements in the marketplace. Hate to break it to you, but these are not scientifically proven to do anything for your supply. If you truly have a medical problem, your physician can prescribe a medication to help, but those teas and cookies you see at the checkout counter of Buy Buy Baby? Probably not going to do much.
Folklore says things like fenugreek can help with milk supply, but the research to support it just isn’t there. The only proven method to increase your supply is to put your baby to the breast as often as possible, and pump in between. The more you draw from the breast, the more it will produce…supply and demand!
I hope you find this list useful. Are you a breastfeeding veteran? What other breastfeeding essentials did you have (or wish you had) on your breastfeeding journey? You might also want to check out my post on 10 Ways to Prepare to Breastfeed which has lots more helpful tips on things you can do to set yourself up for breastfeeding success before your baby arrives!