If you’re a nursing mother, chances are you have at least looked into trying galactogogues. Galactogogues are foods/substances thought to help increase milk supply. While I wish I could write you a list of these foods, there simply aren’t any that have been proven to do so. What I can provide is a list of my favorite healthy foods for nursing moms.
But, that doesn’t mean I can’t help you support your postpartum body on your breastfeeding journey. Eating well is so important after giving birth. Not only does it help to regulate your mood, it contributes to energy levels, and yes, milk supply!
While I can’t say that specific foods are better than others for promoting milk production, I can offer you 5 healthy foods for nursing moms that will nourish you well during this time. Making sure you take in enough calories, water, vitamins & minerals is essential for a successful breastfeeding relationship.
Whole Grains

Whole grains are wonderful sources of nutrition. Because they’re not refined, they provide lots of filling fiber and can help lower cholesterol. Oatmeal, in particular, is a great source of Iron which is important postpartum. While it has not been proven to increase milk supply, many moms have said it has done just that. Other sources of whole grains include: brown rice, whole wheat bread, farro, quinoa and bulgur.
Hydrating Fruits
Staying hydrated is always important. But, as a nursing mom water requirements increase. Breast milk is 90% water after all. Experts say drinking to thirst is sufficient, however many new mothers are so busy they forget to do so! That’s why incorporating hydrating foods is a good idea. Fruits like: watermelon, oranges, strawberries and cantaloupe are all great options.

Fatty Fish
Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which have a lot of beneficial health effects. They have been shown to reduce inflammation and promote heart health among other things. They also provide a lot of healthy calories in a small portion. Nursing mothers need on average, 300-500 extra calories a day to maintain their milk supply. Preferably, these calories should come from healthy foods like those listed here and not from things like cookies and cake.
Lean Protein
As I already mentioned, iron is a very important nutrient for nursing mothers. It can help increase energy levels during those sleep-deprived first months! Great sources of iron include: lean red meat (sirloin, bottom round roast, or 93/7 ground beef), skinless chicken/turkey, and eggs.

Calcium and Vitamin D are also important nutrients for nursing moms. Studies have shown breastfeeding moms can lose 3-5% of their bone mass. The National Academy of Sciences recommends 1000mg of Calcium per day for nursing moms, the same as other adult females. While the requirements are not increased, many women may find it difficult to ensure adequate intake. That is why I am including yogurt (and other dairy) as a good option for nursing moms. Yogurt is also a great source of Vitamin D, a nutrient many Americans are deficient in. Vitamin D plays an important role in regulating Calcium levels in the body, ultimately keeping bones and teeth healthy and strong.
What foods kept you nourished while breastfeeding? Comment below and let me know!